Everyone needs help with their homework at times, from the struggling middle-schooler who works on the basics with a tutor to the valedictorian who explores the outer reaches of academics with a mentor. The World Wide Web is full of helpful resources, but where do you start?
Fortunately, the Michigan eLibrary (MeL) has done much of the footwork for you. Under the Homework Help tab on MeL Teens, you can find everything you need to succeed in middle and high school. MeL has gathered the best of the best from around the state and the country. Games, videos and articles from well-known sources such as Britannica, Discovery and Khan Academy make learning fun, easy and effective. Here’s just a small sample:
Homework Help (general)—this is the list of resources that you see when you first go to the Homework Help page:
- 21 Things 4 Students: Video tutorials to get students up to speed on the Michigan eighth grade technology proficiency requirements.
- Opposing Viewpoints: There are least two sides to every issue. Before you write that persuasion paper or prepare for that debate, check out this website
- Research in Context: A great place to start if you’re looking for information or ideas for a research paper.
- 7-12 Student Interactives: Grammar games, vocabulary builders, even an online magnetic word set to create your own poetry, from the Utah Education Network.
- Common Writing Assignments: Step-by-step help on writing argument papers, book reports, and other common assignments from the Purdue Online Writing Lab.
- Spark Notes—No Fear Shakespeare: Translates Shakespeare line by line into easy-to-read English.
- Discovery Education: Web Math: Help with every kind of math problem, from counting coins to determining derivatives in calculus.
- Hooda Math: Colorful, fun math games for every level.
- Biographies of Women Mathematicians: Math isn’t just for boys! Get inspired by learning about these awesome women.
- HippoCampus: Video tutorials on topics in biology, chemistry, physics and earth science.
- Web Elements: The periodic table hyperlinked to all kinds of information about each element.
- Learn Genetics: Want to understand more about genetics for a project, or just because you’re interested? This is a great resource to visit.
Social studies/history:
- Crash Course: YouTube channel with entertaining and enlightening videos on world history, U.S. history and much more.
- iCivics: Fun online games give you extra insight on how the U.S. government works, how the legal system protects our basic rights, how the branches of government balance each other and more.
- If It Were My Home: Compare your life to life in dozens of other countries around the world.
And there is so much more where that came from! Whether you’re stuck on an assignment or want an entertaining way to exercise your mind, MeL Teens’ Homework Help is an excellent place to spend some time online.